Sunday, October 27, 2013

{31 Days of Coastal Style} Weekend Daydreaming: Beachside Lounging

Today is a clear, crisp (that's code for "cold") fall day! Almost all of our autumn leaves are gone already, but at least the sun is shining brightly! At this moment, I'm lounging in the recliner, trying to put off doing the dinner dishes, and basking in the sunbeams streaming in my window. If I close my eyes, I can almost imagine I'm sitting here:

summer dreams
Pinned here

A comfy lounge chair, sunhat, giant umbrella, and the ocean at my feet? Now all I need is a good book (or my Kindle)!

What's on your agenda this weekend? Any lounging around, or avoiding dishes? (Or both?) ;)

Parties I link to:

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