Tuesday, October 22, 2013

{31 Days of Coastal Style} Sarah Richardson's Lake Cottage Tour

Today I want to share one of my absolute favorite home tours with you! I love Sarah Richardson's work on HGTV, but her lake cottage has to be my favoritest ever. :) When I spotted it in Country Living last year, I figured we must be kindred spirits! I love the planked walls (more on that another time), the watery blues and greens in the living areas, and especially the rustic yet refined atmosphere. But I'll just be quiet and let the pictures do the talking:

My dream kitchen- beautiful cottage kitchen by Sarah Richardson!
Source: Sarah Richardson Design

Isn't it just swoon-worthy? For more ahhh-inducing pictures (including ones that didn't make it into Country Living), check out Sarah's website!

What's your favorite part? (Mine is the kitchen, with that fabulous hexagon-tile backsplash and the reclaimed wood island! Although the bathroom is easily a close second!)

Parties I link to:

1 comment :

  1. My favorite part -- her beach house really IS on the beach! :D


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