Saturday, October 26, 2013

{31 Days of Coastal Style} 10 Sea Creatures You Can Make Yourself!

Wow, I can't believe we're only 5 days away from the end of this 31 Day series! I really can't believe that I've only missed blogging on two of them (and that was when we went to a conference out of state!) It feels good to be back in the blogging saddle. :)

Today's post isn't going to be very long because, well, it's already been written for me :) Click on over to The Shed to find a round-up of TEN tutorials for making your own starfish, coral, seashells and even driftwood (perfect for making one of those driftwood projects!) Make sure to tell the lovely Laura that I sent you! ;)

DIY Sea Life: 10 easy ways to make faux seashells, coral, driftwood, and more!
DIY Sea Life Round-up from "The Shed"

Also, I would be remiss in not mentioning the tutorial I posted earlier this month-- how to make your own faux ceramic coral!

DIY Faux Coral Tutorial

What have you been DIY-ing lately? Any sea creatures? Or maybe just "DIY-ing" dinner for your family? ;) That's where I'm off to next...

Parties I link to:

1 comment :

  1. Thanks so much Kathryn! I loved this series - fantastic job! I linked back to you on my blog in my "Featured..." page. :)


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