
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Primitive to Pretty- Shaker Box Makeover

I fell in love with these reproduction Shaker boxes/bandboxes/cheeseboxes/hatboxes (or whatever else you want to call them) at my local GW a year or two ago, when my style was "darker" and more formal. (The tag on the bottom of the stack shows that someone paid $34.99 at one of our local mom-and-pop “high-end” accessory shops, but they only cost me $1.99 apiece!) Now with the coming of summer, and our "new-to-us" lighter green sofa set, they didn't really fit in. They were actually headed to my garage sale pile, when I realized that I might actually be able to update the drab colors to something that fit with my lighter, brighter summer palette!
Enter the universal champion of all DIY-ers everywhere: SPRAY PAINT TO THE RESCUE! A couple coats of spray paint later (Rustoleum Apple Green and Krylon Blue Ocean Breeze-- I left the navy box alone to "ground" the trio), and my primitive bandboxes have joined the 21st century!

A little distressing around the swallowtail joints (yes, I had to Google it to find out what exactly they were called), and they look like they've always been that way!

And the best thing was  I already had both cans of paint, so the total cost of this makeover was FREE!  (My favorite price!) So before you throw that outdated accessory away because it no longer fits your style, consider what a bit of spray paint could do! But be careful-- it's addicting!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go spray paint my house... :)

P.S. Speaking of spray paint, my 99¢ chandelier is finished! (it's just waiting for Mr. Superman to have time to hang it up!) I'll give you a hint of what it looks like now:


  1. SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Ahhh my two ultimate favorite colors!!! And I LOOOVE hatboxes... :) Sweeeetness!!

  2. They look so bright and cheerful for summer!


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