
Monday, June 18, 2012

Thrifty Treasures Monday & Bakers Twine Alternative!

It’s that time again... time for another edition of:

Thrifty Treasures Monday!

Due to the enormity of last week’s haul, and the immensity of my current project list, I only stopped at a few yard sales last week.  I did manage to find some neat little treasures, though!

The adorable “Bloom Where You Are Planted” poster ($1) has already found a place in Little Princess’ garden-themed room.  At the moment,  Princess and my oldest Little Guy are sharing a room, and Little Monkey is sleeping in her room—since I don’t really care to have all THREE kiddos getting up at night when the baby wakes up!  So this room is sort of in a limbo state, with girly walls and décor interspersed with a few baby boy things :/ Hopefully it won’t be too much longer before Monkey can move in with his big brother, and Little Princess can have her own room again!

I’m a sucker for twiggy, rustic-looking baskets, and for 25¢, this one had to come home with me! (On a side note, I’m still trying to figure out how to control the depth of field on my camera—it’s a basic Nikon point-and-shoot, and I’m beating my brains out trying to get it to take decent looking pictures, especially still-lifes! If anyone has any tips on getting good pics with a plain-Jane camera, PLEASE let me know!)

My favorite stop was a rummage sale for our local Animal Shelter. I found this adorable metal sleigh for 25¢-- I can already see it holding Christmas ornaments or pinecones on my shelf or dining room table come wintertime!

This adorable tea-for-one set (mini teapot with lid, teacup, and saucer in a matching oval box) was only 75¢! I’m thinking this will probably end up on a shelf in Little Princess’ room, too… though I’m sure I’ll get it out and use it often ;-)

The find I’m most excited about this week, though, wasn’t even from a yard sale or thrift store! As we did for the moms on Mother’s Day, our church gave gifts to all the fathers that came to the Father’s Day church service.  I put together a little gift basket for each dad, including chips, candy, beef sticks, and a 6-in-1 screwdriver, all in a little reusable plastic basket with a handle. The baskets were 2/$1.00 at Dollar Tree, but I thought they needed something to “jazz them up” a little, without looking too feminine :-).  As I wandered  aimlessly  searched around the store, I happened to remember something that I had read in a blog somewhere (or maybe it was Pinterest?) about Dollar Tree clothesline that resembled baker’s twine!

Bingo! A 70-foot, $1.00 roll of clothesline provided more than enough “twine” to weave through the sides of the baskets and tie into an attractive bow. Ah, much better!

Note: this is a plastic clothesline, not cotton, and is thicker than real baker’s twine would be. And per foot, it’s probably not that much different in price than if you ordered it off Etsy.  But if you want something stouter to tie thicker bows with, or if you, like me, like to wait until the last minute before scrambling to find a stylish wrapping solution, than Dollar Tree “bakers twine” is the way to go! :-)

Linking up at:

shabby creek cottage

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia

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