
Monday, June 25, 2012

Thrifty Treasures Monday- 6/25

I only stopped at a couple sales last Saturday, but I did still manage to find a few sweet treasures!

The Animal Shelter rummage sale was open for the second weekend, and they were in “make an offer” mode! The books were $1 for a brown paper bag-full—I could have fit more in the bag, but my shelves are already overflowing! :-) The basket of flowers was 50¢, as well as the giant dry-erase wall calendar decal (still in tube).
I found this charming hobnail glass lamp at a different sale. It didn’t have a price sticker, so I thought for sure it would be too expensive (anything over $1 requires serious deliberation :-) ), so when the lady said “25¢”, I just about jumped for joy! Even better, I brought it home and plugged it in, and it still works fabulously! I think it will end up in my Princess’s bedroom—though I might just treat it to a coat of pink spray-paint first!
Speaking of spray-paint, this little brass lantern was also 25¢ at the animal shelter sale (along with the brown candlestick—I’m a sucker for candlesticks with patina)! As soon as I saw it, I knew it would be the next victim of my new-found spray paint addiction. :-)
Enter my new favorite spray-paint color: Krylon Blue Ocean Breeze…
…and I have the perfect addition to my summer bookshelf display!

This has to be one of my favorite makeovers lately :-). Not bad for 25¢ and a little spray paint, eh?

So have you been finding any great deals lately? What is your favorite way to make an old find fresh and new?

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  1. Came over from Winthrop. I, too, have a current addiction to this color. Thank goodness our Hobby Lobby had Krylon on sale last week and I bought every can they had! You really do know how to shop. The lantern makeover is great - who wants to polish brass anyway!

    1. Man, I wish we had a Hobby Lobby around here... I'd definitely be doing the same thing! Thanks for stopping by!


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