
Monday, December 3, 2012

Calling All Camera-Heads...

Okay, so I know I promised all you dear, patient readers a better look at my lovely Christmas tree, or at least a tutorial on a cute, easy Christmas craft! However, for the last few days, I have been extremely busy, working on something of UTMOST importance! I have been burning up computer bandwidth, trying frantically to decide what to tell my husband that I want for Christmas! (After all, if he gets to tell me exactly what he wants for Christmas, then I should be able to be very specific in my wish list, as well!) This shouldn't be so hard, since I do know what I want-- a better digital camera-- however, I don't know exactly which one!

The Canon PowerShot SX1 IS currently owns my wish list ;) Though it lists on Amazon for  $274-$590, on eBay they are generally under $200-- only $30-$50 more than the SX10.

This is where YOU come in! Ya see, I currently have a plain-Jane point-and-shoot camera (the Nikon Coolpix S3000), which I use for all my blogging as well as family picture taking. While it is a great pocket camera for things like zoo trips and family outings, I am NOT satisfied with the quality of the indoor photos that I take for my blog. (And trust me, I've tried every scene setting on that thing...) I really want a camera with manual controls, so that I can adjust things like depth of field and ISO. However, I know my budget of $100-$200 will not permit me to touch anything like a full-featured DSLR (*sigh*), so I know I'm looking for a couple-year-old bridge camera. I've actually narrowed it down-- I think-- to a Canon Powershot SX10 IS or, preferably, an SX1 IS (if I can snag one within my price range on eBay).

Both of them have 10 megapixels, with 20x wide angle, image stabilized (that's important, 'cuz I have pretty shaky hands) optical zoom. The SX1 has a CMOS sensor, which I am told is better than the CCD sensor that the SX10 has. The SX1 can also shoot HD video (vs. the SX10's standard 480p video)-- a BIG plus-- and can shoot in RAW format, as well (though that really isn't as much of an issue with me). Most importantly, they can both be found on eBay for under $200!

The Canon Powershot SX10 would be my second choice, I think...

Of course, there's always the option of getting a newer camera within the same price range (such as the Canon Powershot SX500), with more megapixels and more zoom , but with smaller aperture, CCD sensor instead of CMOS (like the SX1), and no hot-shoe to attach an external flash. (Oh, and no flip-out screen either, which, while not a must, is still pretty cool) ;) I HAVE done my research enough to know that more megapixels does not equal better pictures, especially if the sensor is still the same size; so the megapixel # doesn't make as much difference to me as the zoom might. :) (As long as I don't plan on printing out billboards, I think I'm fine with the 10.1 mp size of the SX1 or SX10)

Oh, and just so you know, I'm not being paid/compensated/reimbursed by Canon or anything, and I'm certainly not stuck on the Canon bandwagon... they just seemed to have the best reviews and the best features within my price range. :) If you think otherwise, please let me know!

So, all you photography/blogging buffs out there, what is your opinion? If you had to choose between an older camera with less megapixels but more features, and a newer one with more mps/zoom, but less "higher-end" features, which would you choose? What is your favorite camera for blogging purposes?

Please, HELP, so I can get this Christmas list to my hubby before he gives up and goes to Bath & Body Works (not that I mind B&BW products for Christmas-- it's just that this time I'm really hoping for something ELSE!) ;)

UPDATE: My decision has been further complicated by the discovery of TWO new frontrunners: the Nikon Coolpix P500:

and the Sony CyberShot DSC-HX100V.

Again, both can be found on eBay for under $200, used. They both seem to be fairly equal, with a few minor differences, and each reviewer seems to have a different opinion on which is best. This is only making my decision harder... HELP!!!!

Grateful for your opinion,

Parties I link to:



  1. Zoom is pretty my book anyway. But I would go for the older one with the better features. Like I was talking about with my photo-guru friend, megapixel really isn't that important as long as it's more than like 5 or something!! :) So yeah!

  2. you should totally look at used DSLR's. they are worth the $$. I got a basic DSLR with a standard 50-200mm lens and it's pretty good. ON my list is a macro lens because then I can get right up in the face of my subjects and click away:) good luck.

  3. I have the Canon SX30 IS. I've had it for about 2 yrs now, and I wouldn't trade it for the world!!! When I bought mine it was about $350, but I don't believe that's it's a "current" model anymore so you might be able to find it on ebay for a good bit less. It is classified as a point and shoot, but it also has some DSLR capabilities. I would STRONGLY urge you to check into this camera, as it has a 35 x OPTICAL zoom; many handy features and the battery is rechargeable and is VERY LONG ACTING!!! It takes some of the most beautiful pictures I've ever had a camera take and the most awesome thing is that you can take pictures from great distances and it ends up looking like you're only feet away. It would be well worth your maybe suggesting to hubby that it could be your Christmas, birthday and Valentines day gifts all rolled into one! I honestly cannot say enough about how wonderful this particular camera is!!! Good luck!

  4. I previously owned a PowerShot S3IS and loved every single thing about it! Unfortunately I spilled coffee on it, neglected to have it cleaned, and it croaked. My fault. If that hadn't happened, I'd still be using it and would be more than pleased. The pictures are amazing. I now own a PowerShot SX40 and love it as well. The zoom is fabulous and it also offers some manual settings. It was a tough decision for me spending so much money. I researched cameras and prices to death! I also went back and forth between a better bridge camera - Panasonic Lumix - MUCH more expensive than the Canon, or taking the leap to a DSLR. Price was a huge factor for me so I stuck with what I was familiar with. BTW, I LOVE the flip screen. Especially at concerts!

  5. Hiya new here, loving your craft! :)

    It really is hard to find the right camera even I'm thinking of being a new one!
    I think you should really check out the Sortable website it is good at comparing cameras and discussing.

    I think the Fujifilm FinePix S4200 looks good as it gives just as good quality pictures like more expensive dslr!


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