
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Deck the Halls... with Camouflage?

Hey all! Sorry I've been pretty AWOL from blogland over the last two weeks. The 15th of November marked the start of hunting season here in Michigan, which here in the UP is akin to a national holiday! They even call off school for opening day! And for two weeks straight, EVERYTHING and EVERYONE, it seems, is wearing camouflage!

This, of course, means that for two weeks straight, my entryway looks like this (see above). In case you were wondering, the orange vest in the middle is mine; and yes, I've gotten out to the hunting blind two times so far; but, no, no fresh deer antlers to show for it-- yet. Hubby, however, was more successful, shooting a buck the day after opening day, with his PISTOL, no less! (Yes, that's legal; it's just a lot more difficult-- my Superman likes a challenge!) ;)

In spite of the "Great Camouflage Takeover", I've still managed to get our Christmas tree up, and most of my Christmas decorating done. I mean, really, how are you supposed to decorate around "hunter orange" and camouflage? But somehow I managed it! Here's a sneak peek:

This has to be my favorite Christmas tree yet! It also happens to be my first foray into decorating with non-traditional Christmas colors (no red in sight!) I feel like a positive heathen! LOL ;) I also spy a kid's tree decor craft that I can't wait to show you!

(Hint: it involves soda can tabs--LOTS of them! Don't worry, we didn't drink all those cans of pop-- they were all given to us) ;)  HOPEFULLY I'll share that project, and the full Christmas tree "reveal", before the end of the week ;) (I've also got a couple of proofreading jobs I'm working on, hoping to earn some extra cash for hubby's Christmas present-- so I'm trying to get those done ASAP)

Anybody else experiencing the great "Camouflage Takeover" for hunting season? ;) Any other ladies out there participating in the hunting experience? Or do you prefer to take your two weeks and hit the malls, like the rest of the "Hunting Widows"? :)

Parties I link to:


1 comment:

  1. Ahh!! such a pretty pretty tree!! :) I think I'd rather go shopping. No hunting for me! :)


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