
Monday, July 2, 2012

Thrifty Treasures, 7/2: Ironstone and Old Gates!

Hello, blogging friends… welcome back for another edition of:
Thrifty Treasures Monday

You already got a sneak preview of a couple of this week’s scores when I showed you my $5 console table makeover:

I found both the pitcher on the left and the soup tureen on the right at GOODWILL! Wahoo! Even better, they were on sale!
The ironstone pitcher was originally marked $2.99, but was half off—I guess most people have trouble seeing potential underneath crumbly florist foam and plastic grapes?
*shrug* Well, not me! :)

I fell in love with the ironstone soup tureen (complete with lid and ladle) when I first saw it at the beginning of the week—it was half-off of $5.99—but I knew that on Thursdays our Goodwill marks all half-off tags as 99¢! So I waited (and almost broke down and bought it for $3, just because I wanted it so much… ), and lo-and-behold, it was still there when I walked in Thursday morning! I almost felt like I was stealing as I scooped it up, headed straight to the cashier carried it around under my arm as I did my compulsory store walk-through, and walked out with this beauty for 99¢!

My time rummage-saleing on Saturday was also productive, and I found several goodies, most for only a quarter each!  (These are just the home décor items—I figured you don’t care to see clothes I get for the little Monkeys…) :)

Didn’t I tell you I can’t resist baskets? These were unmarked, at a particularly pricey garage sale—but when I mustered up the courage to ask the lady how much she wanted for them (because I couldn’t afford anything else at her sale! LOL), she said I could have them for 25¢ apiece! Lesson learned: don’t be afraid to ask about unpriced items—you might just be surprised!

Another thing I can’t resist: old books! Even when they’re coverless— this one will be perfect for making all those book page projects I’ve been drooling over, but haven’t had the guts to cut up a “nice” old book for! (And for 25¢, I couldn’t say no!)
 The large lidded jar was my most expensive purchase of the day, at the grand price of $2.00. According to the paper I found inside, the lid is supposed to be filled with lamp oil and a wick put in the hole… but I think I’ll just use it as a regular apothecary jar! :) It’s the largest one in my collection so far, and I can’t wait to fill it with shells, or décor balls, or pinecones, or Christmas ornaments… I guess you get the picture :)

I couldn’t resist this pair of cute little green glass bottles with cork stoppers—and definitely not for 25¢ apiece! Now to get some sand to fill them with…
But the absolute Favorite Find of the Day award goes to:

This awesome weathered gate! Believe it or not, it was sitting in a “FREE” pile at the end of someone’s driveway. Seeing one of those around here is rare enough… the only stuff people set out by the road here is their trash (as in banana-peels-and-dirty-diapers-trash, not even old-lamps-and-broken-furniture-trash!) I can see this as an incredible wall-hung photo display—similar to this one madefrom a crib mattress spring (only even cooler with the weathered wood framing it!)! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to go find a place to hang it…

So how was your thrifting this weekend? Do you find any good curbside “trash”?

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