
Monday, November 5, 2012

Pumpkins and Family Pictures!

Last Sunday we had Family Picture Day at our church. Nothing fancy, just some pumpkins from our church's pumpkin patch in the front yard of the church for a backdrop, and yours truly as the "photographer" du jour.

It was the perfect day for outdoor pictures, gorgeously sunny, if a bit nippy! It actually turned out to be the last beautiful day we've had, since we started getting nasty weather (including the very very outskirts of Hurricane Sandy).

But the best part? In between taking pictures of the church families, I got to snap some pics of my sweet little kiddos!

Little Princess was the first to have her picture taken, and she wasn't at all sure that she wanted it!

My handsome Mini-Superman didn't mind posing, though!

When did my first baby turn into a sharp little man? :0

Even my littlest monkey sat still just long enough for me to snap a couple pictures!

Some of the church kids were begging to use the camera, so we even got a few snapshots of the whole family! :D

Isn't my Superman handsome? ;)

(There may or may not have been a promise of a special treat from Daddy to Princess for smiling!)

A funny story about these pictures: I took them to Walmart to have them printed (we gave a copy to each person that had their picture taken), and the kid working the photo counter (okay, he was MAYBE 20 years old) got all uptight-- I think he thought I was printing some other photographer's copyrighted pictures! 

He flipped through the pictures, then pointed to one and asked me very seriously, "Can you tell me who took this picture?" "Uh, me," I replied. He got even more uptight... "THIS one???" He was pointing to our family picture (which obviously had me in it)... "Ummmm, one of the other kids took that one... but I took the rest!" You could tell he TOTALLY didn't believe me, but thankfully he gave them to me anyway! :) Maybe I should have offered to show him the originals on my little $50 point-and-shoot camera? LOL

Speaking of, does anyone have any photography tips for getting good INDOOR pics with a plain-Jane point-and-shoot camera? That seems to be what I'm having the hardest time with-- getting good pictures of projects and furniture makeovers (especially since the lighting in our north-facing parsonage/apartment leaves a LOT to be desired!) I've tried the whole just-drag-it-outside-for-pictures thing, but even in the summertime the weather can be iffy-- and you can totally forget about that in the winter (unless pictures of an object buried in snow are your thing!)

So did anybody else get any nice fall family pictures in before the weather got nasty last week? Are you having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that it's already November, like I am? I am soooo not ready for winter to be here! :) But I am looking forward to Thanksgiving, and hunting season! (I hope I can get a nice buck this year! We love venison!) So, I guess I'll go ahead and say it: Happy November, y'all!

P.S. Check out my "Project Gallery" up on top bar, and see if there are any projects you've missed!

Parties I link to:



  1. Your pictures are lovely and your kids are too cute! Happy November! :)
    (new followers)

  2. Howdy, Kathryn! Great photos of you and your family! Your children are adorable. :) I like decorating, too, but I've become more of a minimalist since returning to the States. It's neat to see your projects, though!

  3. Cute fall pictures! That is to funny about the guy. :D He probably is new there and doesn't want to do anything wrong. :D


    The Blue Birdhouse


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