
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Alas, poor Owl-rick...

It seems like I start every blog post with "Remember the..." But not this one. I refuse.

For one, the memory is too painful. After all, it wasn't that long ago-- barely a month, actually-- that I was bragging showing you my beloved Target ceramic owl that I traveled all the way to Indiana to find.

Well, he graced my dining room bookshelves in the fresh apple green coat that I gave him, his wise eyes overseeing us all. Until yesterday.

As I was changing my summer decorations out for fall, I decided that Owl-rick needed a color change as well.  Inspired by this Pottery Barn owl, I gave him a white coat of spray paint to go with my neutral fall decor (which I hope to post on soon), and placed him back on the bookshelf.

But, sadly, I didn't even get a chance to take a picture of him, so regal in his snowy garb. You see, when I put him on the lower shelf, I realized that he would be within reach of my littlest monkey... but I thought, "Oh, I'll just have to teach him to leave it alone." (Mistake! Children always discover breakables when you're not there to stop them!)

Not 15 minutes after I placed Owl-rick on his perch, I ran out to the mailbox to get the day's mail... but when I came back in, I was greeted by this tragic sight:

(Please excuse me while I pause for a moment of silence)

And thus departed my beloved Owl-rick. :'( Such a terrible, tragic end to befall an innocent bird. I grieve his memory, and can only hope to someday find another ceramic owl as wise and as elegant as he...

Especially seeing that he was the last ceramic owl in the Target dollar section. :(

P.S. If you are wondering about the origin of Owl-rick's name (and my post title), they are derived from the words of Shakespeare's Hamlet: "Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him..."

Parties I link to:



  1. How sad!!!!!!! Poor POOR Owl-rick!! *sniff sniff* May his memory be ever peaceful and his resting place ever blessed. and though we trust that no one could be as adored and as wise as he, I hope you find someone else to help to fill his shoes soon. :)


  2. So sorry your little owl broke, but your post did make me chuckle :)

    Thanks for sharing at our Finished Friday Blog Party. I'm also sharing your post in my Finished Friday Participants Pinterest board.

  3. OH NOOOOOOOO! I shed a tear for Owl-rick because I have his distant cousin "Whoo". I've never painted him. He's a shiny black and oftentimes I ponder the notion of painting him. That's partly why I clicked on your blog from Jennifer Rizzo's linky party. I just knew your Owl-rick would inspire me to paint Whoo. But I will not leave your blog empty handed. You have taught me to never put my treaured 2 dollar and 50 cent owl on the bottom shelf for my toddler to meddle with!
    LOL. Thx for the laugh... and tear.

  4. Poor, poor Owl_Rick! Though I have not seen him, or even heard his name before now, I have always counted him a dear friend. Your loss is ours; he shall be sorely missed.

    Love you!


  5. Oh Kathryn!
    He was looking so cute too.
    So sorry for the loss of him. I am sure you will miss him :o(
    Thanks for linking up this week!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  6. Bahaha killing myself laughing here when i scrolled down the page to see the carnage....oh too funny....I am a terrible person who loves to laugh at another's expense...i apologize.

  7. Awww! Poor Owl-Rick! With his new dress and all!


    A sad but cute post! I'm now following.


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